
We are OVER THE TOP to announce our recent Urban Partnership with the Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge & the Ding Darling Wildlife Society. Our friends at Ding have supported LES throughout the years in so many ways, but we have decided to take our partnership to the next level. We can't wait to show our students and families all the projects we have planned. Thank you DDWR & DDWS, your continued support means the world to us!

IMPORTANT: Hurricane Makeup Days!

I want to welcome our returning students back to a momentous year at Lehigh Elementary while very warmly welcoming our new students to the best elementary school in Lee County! I hope everyone had a productive summer and is ready to learn.
Open House is Thursday, August 8, 2024, from 4:00pm – 6:00pm here at Lehigh Elementary. This is an opportunity for you to visit our school and meet your child’s teacher. We will also have stations set up to answer questions related to our before and after care program (LECP), transportation, address changes, and volunteer opportunities.
We are still operating on summer hours until July 19. At that point, the front office will be open Monday through Friday from 8:00am until 4:00pm. If you have any questions, feel free to call or stop by during those hours.
I hope that you enjoy the last few weeks of summer, and I am excited to see each and everyone of you again very soon.
Principal Morgan
August Newsletter
¡Quiero dar la bienvenida a nuestros estudiantes que regresan a un gran año en Lehigh Elementary, mientras que muy calurosamente la bienvenida a nuestros nuevos estudiantes a la mejor escuela primaria en el condado de Lee! Espero que todos hayan tenido un verano productivo y estén listos para aprender.
La jornada de puertas abiertas es el jueves, 8 de agosto de 2024, de 4:00pm - 6:00pm aquí en Lehigh Elementary. Esta es una oportunidad para que usted visite nuestra escuela y conozca al maestro de su niño. También tendremos estaciones establecidas para responder a preguntas relacionadas con nuestro programa de cuidado antes y después (LECP), el transporte, los cambios de dirección, y las oportunidades de voluntariado.
Seguimos funcionando en horario de verano hasta el 19 de julio. En ese momento, la oficina principal estará abierta de lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 4:00 pm. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en llamar o pasar por allí durante ese horario.
Espero que disfruten de las últimas semanas de verano, y estoy emocionado de ver a todos y cada uno de ustedes de nuevo muy pronto.
Director Morgan
We have been working hard, and are proud to announce that Lehigh Elementary has earned the Florida PBIS Platinum Award, as well as Level 1 Certified as a High Reliability School. THANK YOU to our dedicated and committed staff who have made this possible.